How to setup storage in azure and containers

Table of Contents

  1. How to Create Blob Storage Inside a Storage Account
  2. How to Create File Storage Inside a Storage Account
  3. Video Tutorial


Log in to the Azure portal using the respective credentials to access the particular account and navigate into the storage account previously created.

Containers – Containers can be defined as a scalable and cost-efficient storage space for unstructured data such as images, text, and application blob, etc.

A container may be created by clicking on the tab on the upper right corner which displays the word ‘Container’ after which slots for the name and status of public access levels must be determined by the user. The default access level is private (No anonymous access) which can be changed to either Blob (Anonymous read access for blobs only) or Container (Anonymous read access for containers and blobs).

Click on the option that shows the blob access and continue after agreeing with the pop up message regarding the warning given to the user before further proceeding to the next stage.


A container will now be visible in its respective location, where one can upload a blob into the container by clicking on the ‘Upload’ option given on the left hand corner of the screen. One can browse through the files present on the computer and may upload their desired files.

Advanced Options –

  • Types of Blobs – There are three types of blobs namely Block Blob, Page Blob, and Append Blob. Block Blobs are used for unstructured data like images and texts while a Page Blob is used for vhd files which are virtual hard discs and Append Blobs are used when the user desires to append something into their blob like an application log etc.
  • Blob Size – This slot determines the size of the blob uploaded into the container.
  • Access Tiers – Access Tiers can be chosen between three different options that are Cold, Hot or Archive. Archive option is only present in blob levels and not in the storage levels.

The final step is to upload the blob into the container. Upon successful completion of the uploading process, the user may click on the blob to open and see its contents. A URL will be provided for ease in accessing the blob and also gives information such as the creation time and the last date of modification performed.

On copying the URL and pasting it into the notepad application, one can observe how the URL contains the name of the container and the type of blob.

If the user wishes to generate a SAS, which is a way to provide access to someone or an application, a SAS token can be generated. The kind of permission allowed can also be set accordingly for the SAS which consists of option such as Read, Create, Write and Delete. An IP address and its range can also be set.



Azure Files offers fully managed file sharing in the cloud that could be accessed through an SMB which is nothing but a Server Message Block protocol. It can be mounted onto the premises such as Windows, Linux, or Mac. A typical way in which it is used is when the user desires to lift and shift it to a cloud. It can also be mounted onto one’s local computer.

A file share can be created by clicking on the option reading ‘File Share’ on the top left-hand corner of the screen which will then display space on the right side requesting the user to enter the name and quota of the file share. The quota limit is the storage limit that has been set by the user. The creation of a file share is now complete and should appear on the screen as a fresh file share.

Upon opening the created file share, the user will be able to upload files by clicking on the option that reads ‘Upload’ on the top left-hand corner of the screen. The files are browsed and uploaded into the file share. The file share can then be connected to the user’s local machine which can either be a Windows, Linux or Mac machine. When using a Windows machine, the PowerShell must be opened and execute the command in a proper manner. Once the command has been successfully executed, the user can locate it in the local drive where it would have been mounted. The file that had been uploaded will be reflected there.  


Video Tutorial

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