How to create virtual networks in azure

Table of Contents

  1. What is Azure Virtual Network
  2. Steps Involved in the Creation of Azure Virtual Network
  3. Video Tutorial

What is azure virtual network

Azure Virtual Network is the fundamental building block for the private networks in Azure. Virtual Network is similar to Traditional Network in the sense that the user operates in their own data center but brings with it additional benefits of Azure infrastructure such as Scale Availability and Isolation.

Steps involved in the creation of azure virtual network

The first step is to log into the Azure portal with the user’s credentials.

On the dropdown menu located on the left-hand side of the screen, there will be an option called ‘Virtual Network’ which must be clicked to begin the process. To create a brand new Virtual Network, there is an option called ‘Create Virtual Network’ located at the bottom of the screen.


The following list consists of the various types of information that should be filled in by the user, in order to successfully create a new Virtual Network

  1. Name – The name of the Virtual Network to be created.
  2. Address Space – To provide an address space for the new Virtual Network.
  3. Subscription – The type of subscription to be set for the Virtual Network. An example is a Pay As You Go subscription method.
  4. Resource Group – A name should be given for the new resource group to be created.
  5. Location – The location where the Virtual Network will be based.
  6. Subnet – The name, address range, and the type of DDOS protection (Basic / Standard) along with the enable/disable option for the Service Endpoints and the Firewall all fall under this category that should be filled out by the user.

Once the above-mentioned steps have been completed, the ‘Create’ option at the bottom of the screen must be clicked. It will take a while to create the Virtual Network. On clicking on the new Virtual Network that has been formulated, the user will be able to view the subnets included and will be given the option to create an additional subnet.

The following list consists of the various types of information that should be filled in by the user, in order to successfully create a new additional subnet –

Name – The name of the subnet must be given

Address Range

Network Security Group – If a network security group is not already available, it must be newly created so that the user may be able to restrict the inbound and outbound traffic into this particular subnet. To create the NSG, it can be created by choosing the option called ‘Network Security Group’ located on the home page. The user will be redirected to a page where the following information must be given –

  • BASICS – The basic settings consist of the project details which include the subscription type and the resource group. The instance details consist of the name of and the region. Once the deployment has been approved, the user may be able to check the inbuilt inbound and outbound security rules.
  • To create an inbound security rule, the plus symbol located at the top left-hand corner of the screen must be clicked after which the user will be redirected to enter information regarding the inbound security rule such as the Destination, Destination Port Ranges, Protocol, Action, Priority, Name, and Description, etc. The security groups created will be added to the inbound security rule. In the same way, security rule can be added for the outbound as well.

Coming back to the creation of the Virtual Network, NSG can now be tagged into the Virtual Network. Clicking on the newly created Virtual Network, the subnets can be added and then select the NSG for each of them along with the specification of the inbound and outbound security rules respectively.

Video Tutorial

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