How to create virtual machine in azure

Table of Contents

  1. What is Azure Virtual Machine?
  2. Steps in Creation of Azure Virtual Machine
  3. Video Tutorial


Azure Virtual Machines are image service instance that provides on-demand and scalable computing resource with usage based pricing. The user will be able to create a Linux or Windows Virtual Machine.


The first step is to log into the Azure portal in order to create a virtual machine. On the left hand side, the drop down list will contain an option called ‘Virtual Machines’ or the user may also choose to search this option on the search tab located at the top of the screen.


On clicking the said option, it will direct the user to a page where all the created virtual machines are displayed. Below, on the bottom of the screen, will be an option that will enable the user to create a brand new virtual machine.

On clicking the option, it will direct the user towards a page where details regarding the virtual machine to be created will need to be entered.



  1. Subscription – The type of subscription which for example may include ‘Pay As You Go’ will need to be chosen along with the Resource Group which can also be created anew and will need to be given a new name.
  2. Instance Details – The instance details will consist of information such as the name of the virtual machine, region, availability options, image, and size. The region is the location where the virtual machine is to be created. The availability option will consist of further options such as Availability Zone and Availability Set.
  3. Availability Zone – Each Availability Zone has a distinct power source, network, and cooling. If an availability zone has been created, it means that Microsoft will be replicating the VM into multiple availability zones. Within a region, a maximum of three availability zones may be created. If one zone is not available, the user will be able to access the VM through another zone.
  4. Fault Domain – It is a logical group of the underlying hardware.
  5. Update Domain – If any patch update is to be done, it will be done through the update domain.
  6. Availability Sets – If an availability set is chosen when creating a virtual machine, unlike providing the user the option of three zones as with availability zones, the user will be requested to create a new name. The maximum fault domains to be created here is three while the maximum number of update domains to be created here is 20.
  7. Image – The image option will ask the user to choose the base operating system or application for the VM. The user will be able to browse all the public and private image sources.
  8. Size – The default size provided is but the size can be modified for which the user will need to pay for higher sizes.
  9. Administrator Account – The next step is to enter the username and password.
  10. Inbound Port Rules – Here the user will need to select which virtual machine network ports are accessible from the public internet where the user also has the option to specify more limited or granular network access on the networking tab


This option can be used to create different types of disks which range from Standard to Premium types. Otherwise, the user can also opt to add and configure additional data disks to the virtual machine or attach existing disks.


Here, the following information must be filled in pertaining to areas such as the Virtual Network, Subnet, Public IP, NIC Network Security Group, Public Inbound Ports and Select Inbound Ports, and Accelerated Networking.


Options in this section consist of Boot Diagnostics, OS Guest Diagnostics and Diagnostics Storage Account.


This section allows the user to select the type of VM desired to be created. The options allowed are choosing between the VM Generation which can be either Generation 1 or Generation 2.


Tags can be provided, with the kind of application that will be used along with the environment. For the creation of a tag, Name, Value and Resource need to be filled out by the user.


If the validation is approved and reflected on the screen, the user can then proceed to the next step of the creation process by clicking on the option called ‘Create’ which might take a while to be created.

In order to connect the virtual machine via RDP, the IP address will need to be chosen along with the option to change the port number followed by downloading the RDP file.

Video Tutorial

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